Nantucket Elementary School PTA
The PTA is always searching for volunteers to help
throughout the school year.
If you are interested, please email us at
Connect with us
The mission of the Nantucket Elementary PTA is to serve as a powerful voice for all children, a relevant resource for families and communities, and a strong advocate for the education and well-being of every child.
Important PTA Links
(Updated Links Coming Soon)
January 1: New Year’s Day
January 2: School Reopens
January 2: Vision & Hearing Screening
January 10: Movie Night
January 16: Two-Hour Early Dismissal
January 16: Staff Appreciation Day
January 17: Two-Hour Early Dismissal
January 17: End of Second Marking Period
January 20: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (Schools & Offices Closed)
January 21: Semester break - Schools Closed for all Students
January 22: In-Person General PTA Meeting
January 26: 🧡💜AACPS Mo Gaba Day (observed Monday, Jan 27)
January 29: Lunar New Year
February 4: AACPS Unity Day- Wear Orange
February 4: Two-hour Early Dismissal
February 7: VIP Dance
February 10-14: Baby, I Love You Diaper Supply Drive
February 12: Virtual PTA Board Meeting
February 17: Presidents Day (Schools & Offices Closed)
February 18: Ledo Spirit NightDecember 2-6: Inclusive Schools Week
Have a question or want to get involved? Reach out to us
Get involved
Membership is open to anyone who believes in the mission and purposes of the PTA. Each person who joins our PTA automatically becomes a member of both the state and national PTA.